Saturday 3 March 2018



                                PUERTO NARIÑO

Es el segundo municipio del departamento, es conocido como “El Pesebre del Amazonas”, por la singularidad de sus calles angostas.

Desde Puerto Nariño se puede visitar los Lagos de Tarapoto, en donde se puede apreciar el encanto de los delfines rosados y grises del Amazonas, y disfrutar de la paz y la tranquilidad de la naturaleza viva.
Las construcciones se encuentran divididas por "avenidas" y "calles" de aproximadamente 1,50 metros de ancho, y a sus lados, se ofrece un especial colorido, brindado por los antejardines con sus floridos árboles de pomarrosa y las pinturas autóctonas de los nativos sobre las fachadas de sus casas, en cuyas puertas es frecuente encontrarlos tallando diestramente, la roja madera del Palo de Brasil, con la que realizan pequeñas esculturas alusivas a los mitos y leyendas de la región y a algunos animales considerados tradicionalmente sagrados.
Puerto NariñoPuerto Nariño

 Pese a ser uno de los destinos más alejados de la ciudad, las playas de Sapzurro, en el golfo de Urabá, son uno de los destinos turísticos más visitados en el departamento. Ubicado en la frontera con Panamá, en cercanías con las playas de La Miel, la bahía de Sapzurro y sus aguas cristalinas ofrecen actividades como el careteo, la pesca deportiva y los cruceros en veleros, en los que podrá avistar algunas aves de la región y navegar entre los manglares del lugar. La población de Sapzurro está ubicada en el municipio de Acandí, Chocó, pero es accesible desde el municipio de Turbo vía marítima, en un recorrido de dos horas y media aproximadamente.



Pese a ser uno de los destinos más alejados de la ciudad, las playas de Sapzurro, en el golfo de Urabá, son uno de los destinos turísticos más visitados en el departamento. Ubicado en la frontera con Panamá, en cercanías con las playas de La Miel, la bahía de Sapzurro y sus aguas cristalinas ofrecen actividades como el careteo, la pesca deportiva y los cruceros en veleros, en los que podrá avistar algunas aves de la región y navegar entre los manglares del lugar. La población de Sapzurro está ubicada en el municipio de Acandí, Chocó, pero es accesible desde el municipio de Turbo vía marítima, en un recorrido de dos horas y media aproximadamente.


Situado sobre la colina de san Lázaro, este antiguo complejo militar es la construcción mas grande en America. Se creó este lugar estratégico con el fin de poder observar las invasiones en la ciudad por la tierra o por la Bahía de Cartagena.

Su construcción comenzó en 1536 y terminó en 1657, por lo tanto costó mas de un siglo en su construcción. El castillo recibió el nombre de San Felipe en honor a un soberano. De forma triangular, posee cuatro puestos de control y ocho cañones. 


Sobre el valle de Saravita, en un panorama de colinas de flancos ondulosos y ese bosque encantado de Terebinto, se levanta una ciudad sencilla y hospitalaria, con muchos caserones coloniales: Chiquinquirá.

Su nombre significa pueblo sacerdotal, lugar de adoración a los dioses; hoy se conoce como la Capital Religiosa de Colombia, famosa por sus romerías a la Virgen del Rosario, nombrada la patrona de la nación.



A 1 km de Florencia, la piedra grabada de “El Encanto” es un enorme petroglifo con figuras de serpientes, lagartos y micos que se encuentra en el Colegio Nacional la Salle, Cra 4 Cl 15 Barrio el Torasso.

Los grabados se extienden 16 metros de longitud por un metro de altura, y forman un gran conjunto en dos caras. La piedra grabada de “El Encanto”, se encuentra en la parte inferior del cañón del río Hacha; forma parte de un estrato rocoso que aflora sobre las paredes del cañón en ambas márgenes del río Hacha, que lo cortó verticalmente.


Su recorrido se estima entre 4 a 5 horas, es importante contar con ropa cómoda y calzado deportivo, ya que se realiza una caminata de 4 kilómetros aproximadamente, para caminar todos los senderos y puntos de interés

MESITAS A, B, C Y D: Lugares altamente visitados y destinados al culto religioso. La Mesita A es un centro funerario, donde se encuentran varias estatuas, montículos artificiales y templetes funerarios, con acabado escultórico además hay tumbas con cámara lateral, donde era colocado el ajuar funerario del difunto, que debía acompañarlo a la otra vida.

Posee la representación de la figura de la maternidad, descubierta por el español José Pérez de Barradas y el colombiano Gregorio Hernández de Alba. A continuación está el trabajo de Luis Duque Gómez y Julio Cesar Cubillos apreciar los entierros colectivos de los trabajos realizados por los investigadores, Luis Duque Gómez y Julio Cesar cubillos, donde se encontró un esqueleto humano con atuendos, narigueras, cuentas de collar,manillas y diademas, donde reposan en el museo del oro en Bogotá.

Esta obra se conoce como la representación de un simio por la forma circular de los ojos y las extremidades superiores. Según una bióloga y antropóloga de Bélgica Anne Legast dice que el simio cuando toma un momento de agresividad tiene colmillos cruzados, lo que no tiene es la nariz tan desproporcionada por lo tanto se considera que es una máscara que estaría cubriendo casi todo su cuerpo. La escultura fue elaborada con motivos geométricos, se presenta una combinación de línea recta línea curva, triángulos y cuadriláteros.


Lugar ceremonial artístico. En la fuente sobre el Lava patas, que es sin duda el más importante descubrimiento de distribución de agua de la zona, fue descubierto en 1.937 por la misión oficial de Colombia.La fuente ceremonial del Lava patas es la más grandiosa obra escultórica de los agustinianos.

Los Tres Chorros San Agustín es una cascada natural ubicada a 23 kilómetros del centro de San Agustín en la vereda Pradera, su único acceso es caminando, se puede llegar a caballo o en camioneta hasta un sitio cercano desde donde se empieza la caminata ecológica descendiendo por una montaña para finalmente llegar a la mítica cascada


La Chaquira forma parte de este viaje que a partir de San Agustín podrá descubrir. El Tablón, La Chaquira, La Pelota y El Purutal, a pie o, aún incluso a caballo. La Chaquira es un mirador excepcional, donde, después de bajar los cien pasos (¡que va a subir después!), se puede disfrutar de una vista impresionante de las cascadas de la Chaquira, dejándose caer en el río Magdalena.

Mesita B manillas y diademas, donde reposan en el museo del oro en Bogotá

La Pelota-

La Pelota es un sitio arqueológico de San Agustín que se encuentra en medio de 2 cerros: el cerro de La Pelota y el cerro de El Purutal, está conformado por una pequeña meseta, la cual fue de gran utilidad como plataforma para la construcción del centro ceremonial del pueblo escultor, su nombre fue dado por los campesinos de la región por encontrarse cerca de un cerro en forma redondeada que antes era comúnmente conocido como cerro  de la cuchilla.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Analyze and Describe an Environmental Problem in my City By Maria Lucia Ordoñez

Analyze and Describe an Environmental Problem in my City

An important environmental problem for my city is the implementation of the Master Plan for the Magdalena River. This is a project being planned by the Colombian government with a Chinese multinational company, Hydro-China. An important part of this plan is the construction of large dams along the Magdalena River to produce electricity. Two dams, El Quimbo and Betania, have already been built, with devastating consequences for local people and the environment.
These dams are problematic because they destroy the local ecology, and people lose their land. The worst thing is that these dams are not even necessary. They are being used to produce electricity to sell to other countries, and for large-scale mining projects. No local people are employed in the construction of these dams, as the workforce would come from China. Local people are not consulted about the plans, as they are only released in English and Chinese.
 These dams also produce a local heating effect, due to the reflection of the Sun on the water. The rotting trees underneath the water produce methane, which is a potent greenhouse gas. The dams interrupt the migration of fish, destroying local fishing economies and ecosystems. The worst thing is that these dams only have a useful life of 40 years, after which they have to be destroyed for safety reasons. They can cause earthquakes, and have been known to burst in many parts of the world.
Another part of the Master Plan is the implementation of ‘Fracking’ technology to extract natural gas from beneath the earth. This technique involves pumping water into the rocks at high pressure. The problem with this is that the water becomes contaminated, affecting the local area. Chemicals are also released into the air and water, and the technique can cause earthquakes. Again, local people have little say when it comes to deciding whether to implement these plans or not.
Another important aspect of the Master Plan for the Magdalena River is reforestation. This sounds like a good thing, but the objective is to harvest trees for timber. The most common species to be planted are Pine and Eucalyptus. These are not native species, and so they contribute little to the ecosystem. Also, these trees damage and acidify the land. This is part of a larger project which aims to make money from the Magdalena River, at the expense of the local environment and people.



An environmental problem arises whenever there is a change in the quality or quantity of any environmental factor which directly or indirectly affects the health and well-being of man in an adverse manner. Environmental problems can be studied from two different viewpoints. One is simply to look for adverse effects without regard to their origin in order to detect trends that call for further investigation; the other is to try to understand the cause and effect relationships, which make better prediction and proper management possible.
I want to talk about one environmental problems of my location Pitalito-Huila, an important factor is the deterioration of public space for garbage, and it does not exist in Pitalito an environmental culture, people just throw trash everywhere.
On another hand, it carries negative environmental and health consequences. Uncollected garbage provides breeding grounds for insects, vermin and animals, which spread diseases including plague, dengue fever and diarrhea, and the last disease the zica virus, another reason the dumping of this garbage are a source of very high pollution since they last a long time to degrade by not giving proper management, this garbage also will be exposure to the environment and pollute.
From my point of view it is a serious problem; because Pitalito is grow up really fast, so if the people do not realize the environmental, health and visual damage that causes this problem now, later the situation will be bigger and maybe late harder to fix it.
In short the solution of this environmental problem is in our hands, each one can contribute in the solution of this problem, contributing, educating people through chat to promote environmental care, addressing the causes and consequences that cause this garbage to human health.

The development of Colombia through megaprojects generates greater vulnerability on the natural resources By Mauricio A. Cordoba

The development of Colombia through megaprojects generates greater vulnerability on the natural resources

In many countries of the world there are megaprojects or mega-structures that seek to improve the quality of life. In Colomibia megaprojects are being built that seek to boost the development of a country, and facilitate world trade. The technological backwardness in our contry, the need to compet with globalized markets, the need fo economic and social development has led political leaders to design innovative proposals in Colombia that point to a development within the framewok of a prodective transformation with social equity. But, the development of the country, would end with poverty, the marginality of our citizens, industrialization without regulation or environmental control, indiscriminate exploitation and deterioration of natural resources, non-water pollution, air, loss of native forest and the decline of the ozone layer?
Colombia being the second richest country in biodiversity, it is shameful to register 1000 environmental conflicts in the ranking of the countries that suffer the most from these environmental consequences. Colombia has problems in almost all regions, among the most outstanding problems are fumigations with glyphosate, loggers in the Chocó, hotels in the thayrona, extraction of gold and coal minerals, hydroelectric the quimbo and now the 4G pathways. These are evidences that the growth of our country has occurred at the expense of the destruction of our wealth or natural resources in a short span.
These projects that seek the development of Colombia are processes that generate strong transformations of ecosystems, mainly indiscriminate deforestation, loss of water properties, extinction of species, loss of more than 200 species of flora, of crops that sustain Many of the departments of Colombia and therefore the country, emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, rising temperatures and global warming.
Currently in our municipality does not register a study by a recognized entity, but the experience as inhabitants of Pitalito has allowed us to identify how the elevation of temperatures has generated drought in our crops, decreased productivity, unemployment and unfavorable environments for our health and wellness. It is necessary to reflect and act on the development of our country, because it generates greater vulnerability on natural resources and more pollution, this does not mean that the country should not develop, we need environmental policies, effective to conserve our heritage Natural, environmental and cultural that are the bases of our future strength.
We can highlight that the track 4G Santana Mocoa-Neiva and Hidroeléctrica el Quimbo are two megaprojects that seek the development of the country, the Hydroelectric with the purpose of commercializing energy and turning the Huila into the main producer, the route 4G as the tourist corridor South of Huila, where variants will be constructed that pass through Hobo, giant, Timaná, Mocoa, villa garzón, Puerto Garzón and Puerto Caicedo. The question is; Does our country really progress through mega projects without affecting the quality of life of our future generations?
Quimbo Hydroelectric is based on its environmental policy "Operate with the Environment", but in reality it has brought 362 displaced families, decomposition of water, loss of 3000 hectares of afforestation, loss of 324 species of flora, extinction of species, Loss of cultural heritage, loss of major crops supporting the department's economy and loss of new projects, already approved, emission of greenhouse gases due to indiscriminate felling of trees and water stagnation. It's time to think, at the moment the Santana way begins, another concern; How many trees will be felled? If logging generates an increase in the emission of carbon dioxide, what degrees of temperature will we reach? What are we going to do to the environmental problems that hasten us? Environmental problems often concern political development decisions. Any ongoing project seeking development in the country should not violate constitutional rights; "Right to a healthy environment. Environment as common heritage sustainable development "according to the political constitution of 1991.
What should we do? Our political system must comply with established environmental rights and duties and achieve sustainable development through technological and pedagogical projects as means of control or contingency. If Colombia follows the example of other countries to achieve development in mega projects, why not do it in mega environmental projects that favors a set of common and essential goods for society as established by law 99 of 93? For example, developed countries control the emission of carbon dioxide through underground storage holds in geological formations, under sealed rocks, depleted oil wells and aquifers, as well as generate trade through the use of carbon dioxide to produce pharmaceuticals, manufacture fuels , Cultivating algae as energy sources, manufacturing cement, putting out fires, among others. We can develop and progress our country sustainably, but we need the political system to appropriate and respect the rights, equally of trained people, with more education than innovate and make use of resources that cause environmental problems.

Monday 21 November 2016

Water pollution in our city by Didier Sanjuan


Pitalito is located in the Colombian Massif and we enjoy the riches of this land. Its flora and fauna are abundant, varied and beautiful. As well as the water resources that this land of the Laboyanos has. Pitalito is the best coffee producer in Colombia, and it has achieved worldwide recognition for its best coffee.

All this is overshadowed by water pollution. Many of us do not have a sense of belonging to our natural resources. When I was a kid we liked to go with my brothers to the rivers and streams to enjoy their fresh and clean waters, but nowadays most of these tributaries are contaminated. In the farms of the region are not taken care of by the waters, in which they pour any amount of waste that contaminates the water.

Receding waters of the bathrooms and kitchens are usually discharged without any treatment. Faecal matter and soaps produce harmful bacteria for the animals that live in these waters, as well as the animals that feed on it. The wastewater from processing coffee is also discharged without a filtration process.

Normally, these sewage must be treated by filth and sewage, duly installed on farms, but very few families do this. We, the Laboyanos, are a long way from learning how to care about our natural resources.




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